Category: Simple Focus App
Easy Exercise, Massive benefit; Is this for real?
Today we are going to talk about the _Soleus Push-up_ The soleus push-up is an excellent exercise technique to learn about. It’s extremely easy to do, but research shows its benefits are massively disproportionate to the effort required to do it. It can be thought of as a mini exercise, especially good for those busy…
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Be Proactive, Part 2
A second point raised by Stephen Covey relating to being proactive, is to understand the scope of our actions. Covey distinguishes between the Circle of Influence (things you can do something about) and the Circle of Concern (things over which you have no control). Proactive people focus their energy on the Circle of Influence, working…
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Be Proactive, Part 1
For today’s objective we’re looking at the first habit from Steven Covey’s seminal book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The title of the first habit is: Be Proactive. We’ve already, in a previous video, looked at “taking responsibility” being the flip-side of the coin, where the other face is ”taking control.” We saw in…
Beat Doomscrolling Pt 2
This is the second part of my look at Doomscrolling, which can occur as a part of social media addiction or compulsion. In this video I look at a second more powerful technique than the one we looked at in the first part for dealing with the problem of doomscrolling compulsion. I do a recap…
Beat Doomscrolling Pt 1
We’ve all been there at some time or other. Some to a greater degree, some to a lesser degree: Obsessivley scrolling through post after post, until we are bored, but often we keep doing it anyway. This is “Doomscrolling” and is indicative of Social Media compulsion or addiction. In this video, I discuss Doomscrolling. I…
Maximise Marketing Traction
there is a great book, I’ve been recommended by a friend who is a successful businessman and marketing expert, which relates to Sales and Marketing. It’s called Traction. Traction has been written by the founder of the DuckDuckGo search engine Gabriel Weinberg and tech writer Justin Mares. Though DuckDuckGo is nothing like the size of…
Switch OFF Notifications
Did you know Apple founder, Steve Jobs, disliked notifications so much, that for a long time the Apple Mac operating system, simply didn’t have them? If you wanted them, you had to install extra software. You see Jobs understood the harm that notifications can do. There you are, getting on with your day, and ___bang___…
The Daily Objective
In this video I outline how to utilise the daily objective feature in Simple Focus and emphasise that the most important thing is to spend quality time focusing on what the objective means in terms of the strategies we employ for dealing with the events life throws up. If this is done regularly, then it…
Neurology versus Narrative
Today’s discussion is about Narrative versus Neurology Our ability to construct and follow narratives is a part of the, as it were, ‘_superpower_’ that sets us humans apart from the animals. Much more so, in my opinion, than the ability to use tools. One of the lessons we can draw from the work of Dr…
Use AI Effectively
Today’s video is the first in a series exploring how we can leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance productivity. While AI has the potential to increase efficiency, it also poses challenges for certain types of employment. In this session, we establish a basic framework for understanding AI, particularly useful for those without a technical background.…