We’ve all been there at some time or other. Some to a greater degree, some to a lesser degree: Obsessivley scrolling through post after post, until we are bored, but often we keep doing it anyway. This is “Doomscrolling” and is indicative of Social Media compulsion or addiction.
In this video, I discuss Doomscrolling.
I look at the neuro-transmitter, Dopamine and the role it plays in this compulsive behaviour. I look at how doomscrolling behaviour sends us into a loop repeatedly seeking a small and ever diminishing dopamine high. How this knocks us off course, steels from the investments we have been making in our future and ultimately leaves us more depressed.
I then look at a first strategy for dealing with the problem utilising mindfulness and visualisation (a second strategy will be provided in the video following this one).
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