Month: March 2024

  • Maximise Marketing Traction

    Maximise Marketing Traction

    there is a great book, I’ve been recommended by a friend who is a successful businessman and marketing expert, which relates to Sales and Marketing. It’s called Traction. Traction has been written by the founder of the DuckDuckGo search engine Gabriel Weinberg and tech writer Justin Mares. Though DuckDuckGo is nothing like the size of…

  • Switch OFF Notifications

    Switch OFF Notifications

    Did you know Apple founder, Steve Jobs, disliked notifications so much, that for a long time the Apple Mac operating system, simply didn’t have them? If you wanted them, you had to install extra software. You see Jobs understood the harm that notifications can do. There you are, getting on with your day, and ___bang___…

  • The Daily Objective

    The Daily Objective

    In this video I outline how to utilise the daily objective feature in Simple Focus and emphasise that the most important thing is to spend quality time focusing on what the objective means in terms of the strategies we employ for dealing with the events life throws up. If this is done regularly, then it…

  • Neurology versus Narrative

    Neurology versus Narrative

    Today’s discussion is about Narrative versus Neurology Our ability to construct and follow narratives is a part of the, as it were, ‘_superpower_’ that sets us humans apart from the animals. Much more so, in my opinion, than the ability to use tools. One of the lessons we can draw from the work of Dr…